Thursday, February 26, 2009

I'm Shifting!!!

Hey Guys!

I have decided to shift to . Do relink me to @ my new blog address!

Here is my new Blog address...

Blogger has been a great service to my site, I just want to try something different for now...

See all of you at Wordpress!

btw! My chat box is located at the top my blog. As 'CHATTERBOX' which is next to "HOME" and
"ABOUT", as does not allow allow the use of third-party chatboxes such as ShoutMix, Cbox and etc. other than Meebo and Google Talk.

and to Blogger! I thank you for ur service in my blog, I am jsut shifting not cause the service was bad but i want to have the chance to design my own website.. the blog won't be destroyed as I have important links here that I have not imported!

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